At Fatima, Our Lady said “ Sacrifice yourself for sinners and say often especially when you make some sacrifice: O, my Jesus, this is for love of You, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

On July 13, 1917, the three children of Fatima met in the field of the apparitions. It was the third of six apparitions. Our Lady appeared to the children at noon.

The apparition lasted about twelve minutes. Our Lady spoke to the children for a few minutes and then showed them a vision of Hell. She spoke a couple more minutes and then showed them a vision of a bishop in white who is killed by soldiers. Then the Our Lady explained the vision for a couple minutes. Then the apparition ended.

The vision of hell and the words before and after were published in the forties. Sister Lucy’s commentary on the vision was released by the Vatican in 2000. The words of the Our Lady in explanation of the vision comprise the Third Secret. Lucy wrote the Secret in 1943. It was supposed to be released in 1960 but the Pope chose not to do so. Below is a reconstruction of the Third Secret based on what has been revealed by those who have seen the Third Secret.

“You saw the ruin of the world. To prevent this, God wished to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If the Holy Father had done so, the world have been saved. Because he did not, the beast will infiltrate the Church and mount the throne of St Peter. There will be a Council in which Cardinal will oppose Cardinal. Bishop against Bishop. The priests who revere me will be scorned and opposed.

They will alter the Mass and the teaching of the Church. Altars will be stripped and churches will be sacked. Rapacious wolves will ravage upon the flock. In Portugal, the Dogmas of the Faith will always be preserved, but elsewhere they will be lost.

When the world is illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the Great Sign that God gives you that He is about to punish the world with earthquakes, floods and famine. Fire will fall from the sky. Oceans will flood and turn to steam. Millions will lose their lives from one hour to the next. The suffering will be worse than the deluge. The survivors will envy the dead.

If the Holy Father had Consecrated Russia to My Immaculate Heart, the world would have been converted and there would have been peace. Because He did not, a war will begin in the reign of Peter II. Russia will overrun Europe. When all seems lost, I will raise up a Holy Father who is dear to me and the world will be made new.