St. Louis Exorcism
Skinner called Cap and invited her to meet him at noon the next day at his place of Residence, Jesuit Hall. "There is something I would like to show you." He met her in the lobby and they walked across the street to Francis Xavier College Church. They walked past the large white wall of foundation stones. High above gargoyles gazed on them coldly. Up the big granite steps and past the heavy wooden doors. It was still and quiet inside. Light streamed in the tall stained-glass windows and flooded the space with hues of blue and red. Even the dust seemed to be suspended in midair.
"St Michael appeared here. This is the one documented apparition of St Michael in the western hemisphere." Cap was surprised that she had never heard of it. "The records were sealed. It happened during the St Louis University exorcism, the one from which the book and the movie were made. It started here at the university. The child was a young boy, not a girl. The boy's relatives brought him to the Jesuits. The bishop assigned one of the faculty to do the exorcism. The exorcism started in the boy's house. When things got complicated, they transferred him to a hospital a few miles away. When the spell was finally broken, a loud retort was heard throughout the hospital, like a gunshot. At the same time, there were several priests here saying their vespers. St Michael appeared up there in the clerestory of the sanctuary, high above the altar. Out of respect for the privacy of the family, the records were sealed for 50 years. Cap asked then why if the records were no longer sealed, was there no shrine or plaque. Skinner answered that the Jesuits had moved on to a different way of looking at things. They were more concerned with temporal realities.
"But what is interesting in respect to you is that this is the location where for whatever reason a battle took place between good and evil. There is something special about this town. It was named and dedicated to the King of France and is by some small thread connected to the promise of the Sacred Heart and therefore to Fatima.
"On top of that, you come along and start reconstructing the Third Secret of Fatima.
"In 1931, all the bishops of Portugal gathered at Fatima to consecrate their country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Three hundred thousand pilgrims attended. Some of them had walked for as many as nine days in order to be present at the ceremony to honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As a result, Portugal was spared the horrors of the Spanish Civil War and was protected from World War II.
Mary's Promise of Protection.
"Sister Lucy said the Portugal had been protected because of its Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. ‘In this horrible war, Portugal would be spared because of the national consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary made by the bishops.' That was no small bit of prophecy.
The protection of Seville.
"There was one diocese in Spain that was spared the horrors of it's civil war, the diocese of Seville. Seville had been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Hiroshima, protection midst destruction.
"When the atomic bomb destroyed Hiroshima in 1945, eight men living near the blinding center of the nuclear flash miraculously survived the searing hurricane of blast and gamma rays, while nearly everyone within a mile radius perished and others residing further afield continue to die from the lethal effects of radiation. For over thirty years, some two hundred scientists have examined these eight men, trying in vain to determine what could have preserved them from incineration. One of the survivors was Fr. H. Shiffer, S.J. He gave a dramatic answer on TV in America. "In that house, we were living the message of Fatima."
Austria, Rosaries, and the Russian Exit
Skinner went on, "It is a known fact that after the Second World War, part of Austrian territory was occupied by the Soviets. Less well known is the quasi-miraculous manner in which "Austria was suddenly delivered from Moscow's boot.
"For the USSR, Austria evidently represented a precious toehold in the heart of Europe, due to its petroleum wells and its strategic situation. Yet in 1955, Moscow unexpectedly agreed to the complete retreat of its occupation forces, finally restoring full independence to Austria, which recovered its boundaries of 1938.
"What had happened? Between 700,000 and 1,000,000 persons, comprising 10 to 12% of the population had signed a promise to say the Rosary every day and respond to Our Lady of Fatima's requests.
"For Teresa Neumann, the stigmatist of Konnersreuth, there was no doubt about it: It was definitely the prayers and numerous Rosaries of the Austrian people which acquired their liberty from all Russian domination, she declared in 1962, shortly before her death."
Mississippi widens
"On the physical level, St Louis also had something going for it. If we are talking about the time in which the pope is killed, the prophetic lore as you have seen with Sister Aiello is that there will be widespread earthquakes and storms. On the new age maps, one sees subsidence of the coasts and a greatly widened Mississippi, a hundred miles wide at it mouth and narrowing as one moves northward. St Louis could become an important inland port. Protected from tidal waves, and yet having access to the sea. Or, it could be swallowed up. Hildegard said that the great country would be divided in two.
Mary's Promise to all countries.
"Sister Lucy said that if other countries had consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart as Portugal had done, they too would have been spared the Second World War. One may hope that the promise is still intact.
The War to come.
"The Vision of the Bishop in White reveals a pope killed in wartime. Given that Benedict has indicated that the Third Secret has to do with Future Realities and given that Russia is "dominant" in the Third Secret, one may reasonably conclude that we are headed toward another great war.
"Further, it seems reasonable to conclude that if Rome is in ruins, the pope is killed, and the hierarchy and laity are being slaughtered, that the new pope will flee Rome. He may pass through the city of St Louis. There is a certain amount of resonance in this because the story of the Pope fleeing Rome is bound up inextricably with the story of Fatima. And the story of Fatima has its roots in the Promises of the Sacred Heart to the King of France, the heir to St Louis.
"The Consecration is more than a simple prayer said by the Bishop and his priests. It will be the end product of a campaign to get a large number of the population to say the daily Rosary and to do the First Saturday Devotions.
Sufficient Number.
Skinner and Cap sat in the empty church. One could see beams of light streaming across the open air above the pews. "According to Sister Lucy, Russia will be consecrated ‘when a sufficient number are complying with the Message of Fatima.' God only knows the wringer which the world will have to go through to get to that point.
"Our Lady asked for Daily Rosary at each of the six apparitions at Fatima. It will break the spell of demonic possession.
"There is no other promise. There is no other offer of protection. Time is nearly up. Our Lord asked the King of France to Consecrate France to the Sacred Heart and to place an image of the Sacred Heart upon his flag. The King did not do so. One hundred years later, the French revolution began. In our time, Mary asked for the First Saturdays of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Devotion of First Saturdays was requested in 1925. The Consecration of Russia was requested in 1929. In the years to come great things will happen for good or for evil.
One day the pope will flee Rome.
"John of Vitiguerro, Thirteenth Century: "The pope will change his residence and the Church will not be defended for twenty-five months or more because, during all that time there will be no Pope in Rome.... After many tribulations, a Pope shall be elected out of those who survived the persecutions."
"Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi, in the nineteenth Century said that "Religion shall be persecuted, and priests massacred. Churches shall be closed, but only for a short time. The Holy Father shall be obliged to leave Rome."
"Where will the Holy Father find refuge. It will not be Europe. Europe will be in revolution. Russia shall have invaded. Africa will be engaged in a Moslem war. China will for the near future be communist and anticatholic. South America is possible. America is possible. There are places in America where the faith still flickers.
Skinner told her that he was going away for six months. He would be on a Sabbatical in Rome. "The reason I have brought you here is that the Secret has been buried for fifty years not by accident. One has to assume that there is a power which wants to keep it buried. If you continue to bring the Secret to light, you might run into trouble. I would suggest you come here once in a while and sit quietly. I will give you a prayer. The motto of St Michael is "Quis Ut Deus." Who is like unto God. It was the battle cry of Michael when he rallied his angels in the great battle against Lucifer. It is Lucifer whom you are up against. Those three words are the shield of St Michael. You can hide behind them. Say them when you feel oppressed.
"I will keep you in my prayers. In Rome, I will have an opportunity to inquire about the Secret." As he said goodbye, he made the sign of the cross and said "God bless you and keep you from evil."
"Now you know. War is coming."
Dear Father Skinner,
As I write this, my windows are rattling. We have been having small tremors here for the last week. A couple months ago I had a dream of Hildegard of Bingen and her prophecy that American would be divided and struck with earthquakes. A couple weeks ago, we began to feel the earthquakes. Then about a week ago, the pace of earthquakes began to quicken.
Cap told Skinner of her fear of earthquakes. If there were a line dividing the period in which earthquakes were unusual from the era in which earthquakes were common, Cap felt that that line had been crossed. The intensity was not so severe but the number nearly doubled. People began to slowly adjust to earthquakes as a fact of live. There were drills and public service announcements. The amount of emergency planning began to change from what might happen to what would happen. Fire Departments began door to door campaigns in which they passed out literature and began to grade households on their emergency preparedness. People began to stock food and water.
The Boy scouts and Girls Scouts started to help people prepare the list of items they would need in the event of an earthquake. The scouts sponsored statewide pitch a tent weekends. Whole neighborhoods had a tent in the front or back yard. Churches began parking semi-trailers and ocean containers on their lots stocked with dry goods. People also began to stock guns and ammunition.
In late April, earthquakes grew again in number and intensity. Rattling houses was a regular occurrence. May became known as the month of broken glass. Almost every area of the Midwest and had at least one tremor severe enough to break glass. The number of big ones grew steadily. At mid-May, the Midwest was ripped by several large earthquakes. In some places the land undulated in visible ten-foot waves. Emergency crews were hard pressed to help the survivors. The roads were cut with large crevasses. Power lines were down. Water and gas pipes were broken. People were walking out. Many began living in their tents. Military helicopters were ferrying in water and food and basic supplies. Several cities declared martial law. Most of the municipalities were pushed into bankruptcy. There were growing calls to bring home more of the troops from our bases overseas.
Many were without water and electricity. School gymnasiums were filled where they were still intact. People began renting their garages. They had hoped that this was a period that would pass away and that better times would follow. Others thought that something more ominous was in the making.
In the older parts of St Louis, the rattling was having destructive effect of the brick work. Cracks were opening. Pipes were breaking.
At St Louis University, classes were being shifted from one building to another. Cap's classes were reduced. A couple had been given to non-salaried interns. The use of student teachers angered many of the senior teaching staff. The administration said that they did not have much choice. The money wasn't there. As a result, her salary had been cut back. Her stocks and bonds had just about disappeared. But the mining stocks were paying some dividends. She was able to get by. One benefit of fewer classes was more free time. Cap was able to continue reading and writing about Fatima.
Padre Pio, Fatima and Wolves
In the process of her reading, Cap discovered Padre Pio. He was a gentle but sometimes gruff Italian monk who had the stigmata. He was famous for healings and for the gift of reading souls. In confession, he could see a person's life as if it were a movie. He had recently been canonized.
In May, Cap wrote to Skinner:
Dear Father Skinner,
The more I read, and the further I go, the more things pile up, one remarkable story on top of another. Many of them seem connected to Fatima by a thread.
I came across a quote which I wanted to share with you. It was published in Socci's Fourth Secret. As a non-catholic, I have to wonder what was going on in the church, that one of the holiest men in history was deeply at odds with the Vatican. It supports the idea that the devil had entered the church. Padre Pio made a powerful statement about the message of Fatima. "Because of the spreading injustice and abuse of power, we have arrived at a compromise with atheistic materialism, denying the rights of God. This is the chastisement preannounced at Fatima... All of the priests who maintain the possibility of a dialogue with the deniers of God and with the Luciferian powers of the world are mad, they have lost the faith, they no longer believe in the Gospel. Thus, they betray the word of God because Christ came to bring to earth a perpetual alliance only with men of goodwill, but not to ally Himself with men thirsty for power and domination over their brothers... The flock is dispersed when the pastors ally themselves with the enemies of the Truth of Christ. All of the forms of power made deaf to the will and the authority of the Heart of God are rapacious wolves who renew the Passion of Christ and cause the tears of the Madonna to pour forth."
Abuse of Power
Padre Pio said these words in 1963. The first sentence is a powerful criticism against the leadership of the Vatican and specifically the Pope himself: "Because of the spreading injustice and abuse of power, we have arrived at a compromise with atheistic materialism." The reference to "injustice and an abuse of power" is a direct reference to the Vatican's having taken the Third Secret from The Bishop of Fatima and having refused to publish it. It was the Madonna's intention that the Bishop of Fatima should hold the Secret and that he should publish it in the year 1960. Thus, Pio charges Pope John XXIII with disobedience and rebellion against the Madonna.
Compromise with atheistic materialism, Padre Pio condemned the policy of dialogue with atheistic communism. He took a harsh view toward communism at the same time that John XXIII was speaking about the medicine of mercy instead of the arms of severity and condemnations. John XXIII agreed not to condemn the Soviet Union or Communism. The second secret includes the request for the consecration of Russia. The Consecration of Russia would have been a condemnation of Communism. Therefore, his rapprochement with the Soviet Union was directly opposite the approach of the Madonna.
Chastisement Preannounced at Fatima
In this passage, Pio throws the book at John XXIII. Pio is opening up the Secret, which John wants to bury. When Padre Pio uses the word preannounced he had chosen the word carefully. The preannouncement was the third secret. Pio declares that the Secret announces a Chastisement, a punishment. Pio is saying that the compromise with the communists is the punishment about which the Madonna spoke at Fatima. They both know that the Secret says that the devil will infiltrate the Church.
With the use of the word "because", Padre Pio has hurled a grave charge against John XXIII and his collaborators. He is in effect saying that the Chastisement mentioned in the Third Secret will be caused by their injustice and abuse of power. All involved know that John would not have been allowed to compromise with the communists if the Secret had been revealed. The opposite would have happened. Catholics in the millions would have wanted to see Russia Consecrated. Pope John's decision to not reveal the third secret had the effect of protecting the Soviets.
Padre Pio goes on to charge all the priests who want to dialogue with communism as deniers of God, which is to say apostates. He is in effect charging Pope John with Apostasy. It needs to be remembered that Cardinal Ciappi would later write that the Third Secret foretells that the Great Apostasy will begin at the top.
Pio touches on another element of the secret. The flock is dispersed when priests ally themselves with the enemy of Christ. Rapacious wolves attack the abandoned flock. Padre Pio is exposing the third secret.
Content of the Third Secret.
Nowhere in the known message of Fatima is a warning against compromise with atheistic materialism. Nor mention of it being a chastisement. Padre Pio was giving away part the Third Secret. He was saying that the Third Secret announced that there would be a profound spiritual chastisement, far worse than any material punishment. The chastisement would be that the leadership of the church would embark on a policy of compromise with atheistic materialism. They would lose the faith. They would deny the Gospel and betray God. Pastors would ally themselves with the enemy of Christ, who is the devil. Rapacious wolves would disperse and ravage the flock. Many souls would be dragged to hell. The loss of so many souls would be the cause of the tears of the Madonna.
An Alliance of men of Goodwill.
Then he says something beautiful, "Christ came to bring to earth a perpetual alliance only with men of goodwill, but not to ally Himself with men thirsty for power and domination over their brothers...." There is hope for the rest of us.
Rapacious Wolves.
Padre Pio mentioned Rapacious Wolves in connection with Fatima. That he uses such an unusual expression in connection with the message of Fatima, suggests that the words Rapacious Wolves may be found in the Third Secret. The paragraph above can be looked upon as a survey of the Third Secret. The words of Padre Pio imply that the Third Secret contains a message about rapacious wolves.
Padre Pio and Sister Lucy.
Padre Pio's words intertwine with Sister Lucy's. The two stories together speak about Pastors abandoning their flocks. One says rapacious wolves. The other says seizing the flock and dragging them down to hell. Sister Lucy was not able to use the word Wolves because that would have been giving away too much. She was forbidden to speak directly about the Secret. But she comes as close a she can.
When Lucy speaks about the Decisive Battle between Mary and Satan, she speaks in the language of a shepherd. "Father, the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Blessed Virgin. And the devil knows what it is that most offends God, and which in a short space of time will gain for him the greatest number of souls. Thus, the devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God because in this way, the devil will succeed in leaving the souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily will he seize them... The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag numerous souls to hell."
Tears of the Madonna
This is a reference to The Weeping Statue of Syracuse. Padre Pio had a special connection with the Weeping Madonna. He believed that the Madonna had healed him when he saw the Statue from his window. He was in effect saying that the Madonna was weeping because she foresaw that Pope John would not publish the secret, and would instead compromise with the enemies of Her Son and that as a result many of her children would be led astray and lost forever.
Sincerely, Cap
What Should Have Happened
Skinner wrote back that it was interesting that Cap had mentioned Padre Pio. Skinner had spoken with a few people recently who knew Padre Pio. Most of the Fatimists had a high regard for Padre Pio. He gave Cap a summary of what seemed to be the prevailing opinion among Fatimists about What should have happened and What did happen instead.
What if people had done what God wanted? The story of the last century would have been something like this:
At Fatima, Our Lady asked for people to recite the rosary. A growing number of people began reciting the rosary. They began to convert their lives. A powerful force began to move in the spiritual lives of many.
In 1925, Our Lady asked for the Communions of Reparation on First Saturdays. Word spread. The graces earned by the Rosaries would have encouraged the Church to promote the devotion. Soon many people were doing the First Saturdays.
In 1929, Our Lady asked for the Consecration of Russia. The graces earned by the Rosaries and First Saturdays would have encouraged Pius XI to decide make the Consecration.
Russia Consecrated
In 1931 most probably, the Pope would have called upon all Catholics to embark on a year of Reparation. He would have requested that each make the Communion of Reparation on Five First Saturdays. He would have announced a date a year later for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in union with all the Bishops of the World. Socci said that it would have been an "immense event for the whole Catholic Church... a great rite of expiation and consecration for that unfortunate nation, entrusting itself universally to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." A wave of conversions would have swept Russia. The communists would have been driven from office.
The world would have been shocked at the conversion of Russia. Millions of hearts would have been touched. A wave of conversions would have spread worldwide. Socci called it "an overthrow of the mentality dominating the modern world." World leaders would have adopted Christian attitudes and policies. The Social Kingship of Christ would have been established.
Wars stopped.
Then Our Lady would have kept Her word. Wars would have ceased. The Spanish Revolution would not have occurred. Nor would the Second World War.
All the various wars would not have occurred. The wars of communist expansion, the Chinese Communist Revolution, Korea, Viet Nam and many others would not have occurred. There would have been worldwide Peace and Prosperity.
Instead here is What Happened.
God sent a message to Mankind. In the core paragraph of The Whole Truth about Fatima, Frere Michelle said that God wished to manifest that all graces come to men through the mediation of Mary, the Spiritual Mother of Mankind. He sent Mary to speak to the world at Fatima. He created the most witnessed miracle in the history of mankind. Mary announced through the children three months ahead of time that She would perform a miracle so that people could see and believe that she was appearing to them. She named the place, the day, and the time.
At Fatima, Our Lady asked people to say the daily rosary. There was a limited response. A few years later, She appeared to Sister Lucy and asked for the First Saturdays of Reparation. But too few rosaries had been said. As a result, the Devotion was not promulgated. The Church and the people did not respond to the request for First Saturdays of Reparation. A few years later, Our Lady appeared again to Sister Lucy and asked for the Consecration of Russia. Too few rosaries and too little reparation had been done. The Church and the Holy Father did not respond to the request.
War a punishment for Sin
Spain was chastised by a civil war. Portugal was spared for having been Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mary had promised peace if Devotion to Her Immaculate Heart were established. If not, God would punish the world with hunger, war, and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. Devotion to the Immaculate Heart was not promoted. World War II and communist expansion followed.
In 1957, Sister Lucy was interviewed by the postulator for the cause of the beatification of Jacinta and Francisco. In a number of ways, she touched on the subject matter of the Third Secret. She nearly gave away the secret. She announced that the secret was to be opened in 1960 because then it would be clearer. She was then silenced by the Vatican.
The New Religion
Growing elements within the Church espoused a new set of values. Pope John XXIII announced the convocation of a Vatican Council of all the Bishops in the world. The modernists took over. A new religion supplanted the old but kept the outer form of the church. Those holding to traditional Catholic truth and liturgy were marginalized.
Devil enters the Church
The gates were opened for the devil to enter the Church. Sister Lucy said that a demonic wave swept the world due primarily to a lack of prayer. In effect the world became possessed. In the seventies, Sister Lucy spoke about the diabolical infiltration which was in progress. The Church came increasingly to serve the interests of a Masonic/Modernist world class.
Lucy II
A person most likely replaced Sister Lucy in her public appearances. Few noticed. When Sister Lucy was interviewed by Father Fuentes in 1957, he described her as "very sad, very pale and emaciated." When Sister Lucy was next seen, she was plump and in good spirits. Photos show two different bone structures.
The devil triumphant
The devil was triumphant over all but a few who continued to say the daily rosary, do the First Saturdays of Reparation, and wear her scapular.
God is rejected worldwide.
Inside and outside the Church, souls had been indoctrinated in the new religion. Children have been sexually corrupted by the media. The harvest of souls has been abundant. A large part of the population has been possessed by the devil.
Anger of God
Going back to the core paragraph of The Whole Truth about Fatima. God wanted men to submit to "His great design of love, which is to grant all graces to men through the mediation of the Immaculate Virgin. Their refusal to submit with docility to what God wills is a fault which most gravely wounds His Heart. And for which He no longer finds in Himself any inclination to pardon them. This sin seems unforgivable because for Our Savior, there is no crime more unpardonable than to despise His Most Holy Mother and to outrage Her Immaculate Heart, which is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. This is committing ‘the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will not be forgiven in this life or the next.' "
God abandons the world to itself.
Lucy wrote the Holy Father in 1982, "And let us not say that it is God who is punishing us in this way; on the contrary it is people themselves who are preparing their own punishment. In his kindness God warns us and calls us to the right path, while respecting the freedom he has given us; hence people are responsible". "Many will be lost...Father, many will be lost. "said Lucy to Father Lombardi.
Collapse of Society.
John Paul II quietly predicted the collapse of society. On May 13, 1982, one year after the assassination attempt, John Paul II made a pilgrimage to Fatima to thank Our Lady for her protection. He said that the Our Lady was "preoccupied by the threats of Apostasy and of moral degradation which bring with them the collapse of society." The Holy Father had thoroughly studied the Third Secret and it's surrounding documents during his recovery. He knows what is coming. When he speaks of apostasy and societal collapse, he speaks of the Third Secret.
Civil war, World Wide War, and the Three Days Darkness.
We are approaching the time about which Jacinta spoke when she said "In the next war, nearly all will go to hell." Lucy said "One day, I went to her house to stay a little while with her. I found her seated on the bed, very pensive. ‘Jacinta, what are you thinking of?' Jacinta replied, ‘About the war which will come. So many people will die, and almost all of them will go to hell.' "
On top of that will be the trumpets of Revelation. Lucy said the Secret is related to Chapter Eight in Revelation. There will be Thunder, Lightning and Earthquake such as the world has never known. People will hear voices. Fire will fall from the sky. A mountain will fall into the sea. And a falling star will poison a part of the globe. Famine will follow.
Keep up the Good Work,
What Terrified Lucy
Cap wrote back to Skinner.
Father Skinner,
I hope all is well. Here is my latest installment, What Terrified Sister Lucy. One of the things which surprised me was that Lucy was terrified by the Secret. So much so that she had great difficulty in writing down the Secret.
In 1943, Sister Lucy had an illness which frightened her superiors. They feared that she might die without writing the Third Secret. She declined to write the secret unless she were instructed in writing to do so out of obedience. She was given that order by Bishop da Silva in October.
For three months, Lucia delayed in writing the Secret. It made her tremble. "She had wanted to obey several times, that she had sat down to write, without being able to do so."
"The long agony that Sister Lucy had to face...We see it as Satan's final outburst against the messenger of the Immaculate, guessing what a great weapon this prophecy would be, once it was set down in black and white, against his dominion and his claim of being able to infiltrate the very heart of the Church...Thus the seer's great trial."
She communicated her anguish to Don Garcia who advised her to bide her time, that she was not disobeying Our Lord, that the mysterious impediment would vanish.
On January 3, 1944, in the chapel of the convent of Coimbra, before the Tabernacle, Lucia asked Jesus to make known His will: ‘I then felt a friendly hand, maternal and affectionate, touch my shoulder.' And the Mother of God said to her: ‘be at peace, and write what I have commanded you..."
The situation begs the question, why the difficulty? Father Alonso said "Moreover, how are we to understand Sister Lucy's great difficulty in writing the final part of the secret when she had already written down other things that were extremely difficult to put down? Had it been merely a matter of prophesying new and severe punishments, Sister Lucy would not have experienced difficulties so great that a special intervention from Heaven was needed to overcome them."
Antonio Socci in the Fourth Secret asks what could have frightened Sister Lucy so much. Already she had addressed the topics of wars, cataclysms, and apostasy and had demonstrated that she was capable of speaking about those issues. Socci reasons that it must have been something which was, in her eyes, far worse.
Sister Lucy had previously told us that the vision of hell which the Madonna had shown the shepherds had terrified them. During the apparition of July 1917, the Madonna showed the children a vision of hell in which millions of souls were falling into hell like snowflakes. The scene of burning souls in a sea of fire terrorized and nearly killed them.
The Madonna told the children in so many words that She had come to battle the devil in an effort to save souls. She said that too many souls were being lost. The vision of hell overshadowed the whole length of the Message. The story is told with Hell as a backdrop.
I believed that what terrorized Lucy was neither cataclysms, nor war, nor apostasy. What terrorized Lucy was a part of the Secret which brought her face to face again with the evil of hell.
It was the devil, and his wolves. She saw that the devil would sweep a third of the clergy into his service. She saw that the flock would be scattered and pounced upon by ferocious wolves. The frightened souls would attempt to flee to no avail. They were in the power of the ravaging wolves. The malicious wolves would tear them apart and drag them to hell.
It was the vision of Hell. One must remember that the Madonna's interaction with Lucy on that day only lasted about ten minutes. She showed the children two visions and told them a story. The conversation had a flow to it.
Like a person who is afraid of heights, working her way along a rickety rope bridge tossed wildly in the wind, Lucy tackled writing the third part of the secret. Some part of it led Lucy to see the devil exultingly feasting on millions of wailing lost souls. In obedience, she attempted to trace letters across the howling abyss nearly dying of fear with the devil railing against her.
I believe what terrified Lucy was coming face to face with the devil and hell. Later, she said that "God willed to try me a little."
Best wishes,
The Siri Thesis
Jesus this is for love of you, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Skinner wrote back that he had gained the confidence of a few of the venerable old men in the Vatican. They told him a tale about why things went haywire in the 1960's.
"There is a legend one hears softly spoken about, called the Siri Thesis. It contends that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri of Genoa was elected pope after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. He was Pius' handpicked successor. He chose the name Gregory XVII. The White Smoke announced the election of a new pope. The crowd burst into cheers. The Swiss guard was called from their barracks. However, a threat was passed to Siri while he was still in the wailing room. And a small group hastily gathered around the new pope and communicated the bad news. Some believe that the Soviets made a threat against Siri's family or perhaps a threat to kill the clergy and laity of eastern Europe or to destroy the Vatican with a nuclear bomb. Malachi Martin called it "a little brutality." The new pope felt that for the good of the church, he should surrender his papacy.
The circumstances suggest that it was too late. Siri had become pope. One cannot be made to resign from being pope for fear of threats. Once pope, always pope. It cast a pall of legitimacy over the papacy of John XXIII and his successors. As long as Siri lived, there would be two popes.
Which neatly ties into the prophecy of La Salette. It may be that this is what Our Lady of La Salette meant by the Church being eclipsed. "The True Pope is not being seen. He is there, fully visible (=able to be seen), but he is not known and not seen by most."
The Threat to the Russians.
The Russians knew that Siri was strongly anticommunist. As pope, he would be expected to publish the Third Secret. The words of the Madonna at Fatima condemned communist Russia. In the second part of the secret, the Madonna speaks ill of Russia. In the Third Secret, communist Russia is cast as the destroyer of the world and the leading force that would cast nearly the whole world into hell. The secret would announce the world's last chance to avoid disaster.
The pope, if he were traditionalist and obedient to the Our Lady, would then call for the Consecration of Russia at a given date in the future, perhaps in one year. Probably on Marian Feast Day. It would be a stunning condemnation of Russian Communism for which the leadership had no defense. They did not fear the American military. They felt they could survive a nuclear war. But the one thing that they feared the most, which all dictators fear, is an uprising.
First the pope and the bishops would ask for daily rosary and the practice of the Communion of Reparations on First Saturdays. They would call for Penance and Reparation. A year of penance would culminate in a ceremony involving all the worlds bishops in their dioceses and all the parishes. In many nations and in many languages.
Beginning in Portugal at noon solar time as had the miracle of the sun. As the sun moved west, each diocese would join with their bishop, successor to one of the apostles, as the sun reached its zenith. Recife Brazil would be first to perform the Consecration in the Western hemisphere. Portland Maine would be the first in America. Pittsburgh would begin their ceremony a few minutes before Charleston. Houston before Dallas and Dallas before Fargo. Eureka California would be last in the contiguous states. The procession of ceremonies would culminate in Rome 18 some hours later. On the day of the ceremony, all the churches in the world would be packed to overflowing. It would be the greatest participated event in the history of the world.
People would be highly motivated because they would be rightly terrified by the contents of the secret. They would also have good cause to be angry with the soviets. In the persecution of ancient Rome, 300,000 Christians had been martyred. The communists in their war against God had killed 90,000,000 Christians.
In Russia, word would spread. First there would be disquiet. There would be immediately be a loss of prestige on the part of the leadership. The power of fear would begin to melt. There would be a falling away of support. Administrators would begin to defect. The people would begin to show their disrespect. They would begin slowdowns and civil disobedience. There would be strikes and compounding labor unrest. The party would be powerless to stop the spreading atmosphere of rebellion. They would be pelted and stoned. As months went on, the turmoil would increase. Over the course of a year, domestic unrest would grow to an intolerable level. Finally, the communists would be driven from office.
However, it was not to be.
Giuseppe Siri
Siri was born in Genoa in 1906. He was the son of a dockworker. Ordained in 1928. He earned his doctorate in theology summa cum laude. At the remarkably young age of 37, he became a bishop. He was for at time the youngest cardinal. During the war, he organized soup kitchens for the poor. He was a master of labor management problems, it having been said that he had settled more disputes, without strikes, than any other man in Italy. He was bishop of Genoa for 41 years. Was credited with persuading the retreating German forces in World War II not to blow up the port. He was Pope Pius XII's chosen successor.
Cardinal Siri did not like John XXIII. He once said that "it will take the Church fifty years to recover from his 'pontificate'." He did not like Paul VI, who completed the Council, an event described by Siri as "the greatest disaster in recent ecclesiastical history" (and by "recent" he meant in the last five hundred years). Not surprisingly, therefore, the Council was implemented in Genoa with foot-dragging slowness. Siri's Altars did not face the people. Evening Masses were discouraged. Women in trousers were denounced.
Prior to the Conclave, Cardinal Roncalli had told friends that he expected to be named pope. He was disappointed that he was not selected. He had friends in high places among the left. He made a telephone call. It didn't take much. The Russians were ready to make a move for their own reasons.
It has largely been forgotten that there was a worldwide atmosphere of expectation about the revelation of the third secret. It the west, Marian devotions would spill out into the street. Even people who did not go to church on Sunday would attend Marian prayers. It was a crushing disappointment when it was not revealed. It can safely be assumed that the Russians felt the noose around their neck. They communicated to the conclave some dire threat. It may have been that they would begin a war, that they would attack Rome, or that they would begin to liquidate all of eastern Europe's Catholics.
Meanwhile, the white smoke had been released. Two hundred thousand people in the plaza began cheering, "We have a pope." Here is what the AP said:
"VATICAN CITY (AP) - Cardinals balloted Sunday without electing a pope. A mix-up in smoke signals made it appear for about half an hour that Pius XII's successor had been chosen. For a time 200,000 Romans and tourists in huge Saint Peter's Square were certain the church had a new pontiff. Millions of others who listened to radios throughout Italy and Europe also were certain. They heard the Vatican speaker shout exultantly: 'A pope is elected."
"The scene around the Vatican was one of incredible confusion. White smoke from a little chimney atop the Vatican is the traditional signal announcing the election of a new pope. Black smoke indicates failure. Twice during the day smoke billowed from the chimney. At noon the smoke at first came white but it quickly turned unquestionably black. This was the sign the cardinals had failed to elect on the first two ballots, at nightfall white smoke billowed from the slender chimney for a full five minutes. For all the outside world knew, a new pontiff had been chosen."
"Clouds of smoke were caught in search lights trained on the Sistine Chapel chimney. 'Bianco! Bianco!' roared many in the crowd. 'White, white.'
"The Vatican Radio announced the smoke was white. The announcer declared the cardinals at that moment probably were going through the rites of adoration for a new supreme pontiff. For a long time, Vatican Radio stuck to its insistence the smoke was white."
"Even high Vatican officials were fooled. Callori di Vignale, governor of the conclave, and Sigismondo Chigi, the conclave Marshall, rushed to take up the positions assigned to them. The Palatine Guard was called from its barracks and ordered to prepare to go to St. Peter's Basilica for (the) announcement of the new pope's name. But the guard was ordered back to barracks before it reached the square. The Swiss Guard was also alerted."
"Chigi, in an interview with the Italian radio, said uncertainty reigned in the palace. He added that this confusion persisted even after the smoke had subsided and until assurances were received from within the conclave that black smoke was intended. He said he had been at three other conclaves and never before seen smoke as varied in color as Sunday's. He told newsmen later he would arrange to have the cardinals informed of Sunday's smoke confusion in the hope that something can be done to remedy the situation Monday."
"Priests and others working within the Vatican grounds saw the white smoke. They started to cheer. They waved kerchiefs enthusiastically, and figures of conclavists -- cardinal's assistants -- in the windows of the apostolic palace waved back. Possibly they, too, believed a pope had been elected."
"The crowd waited in agony of suspense. Any pope elected would ordinarily appear on the balcony within twenty minutes. The crowd waited a full half hour now wondering whether the smoke was meant to be black or white. Doubt set in swiftly. Many in the vast crowd began to drift away. But still there was confusion. News media had flashed around the world the word that a new pope had been chosen."
"Telephone calls poured into the Vatican, jamming its exchange. As time wore on and doubts increased, the callers all asked one question: "Black or white?"
Roncalli then quickly gathered his associates and met with the new pope behind the scenes. Pressure was brought to bear and Siri was forced to surrender.
Roncalli summoned the electors back to the Sistine Chapel for an unusual overnight post-election session in which they were forced to renew their vow of silence about the whole of the proceedings.
Roncalli, with the aid of the Soviets, got his Tiara. But some argue that Siri could not by canon law just resign. Once pope always pope. He remained pope. In that scenario, the new pope would be a false pope. As long as Siri lived, there would be two popes.
Two Popes.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich was a German Augustinian nun. A stigmatic, ecstatic, and clairvoyant, she died in 1824 after her order was expelled from their convent by Jerome Napoleon. She had many visions of the church in our times. "I saw also the relationship between the two popes. . . I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city of Rome. The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness... Once more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a plan evolved by the secret sect, while storms were damaging it." Many prophecies have predicted two popes, a schism and apostasy. The division between traditionalists and modern Catholics could be called a schism, especially if viewed from afar.
By some fluke, Roncalli chose the name of John XXIII. However, there had already been a pope of the same name. He had been a false pope promoted by the Borgias in the fifteenth century. Was it a twist of fate or did Roncalli deliberately chose the name of a false pope?
Supreme Crisis During the later years of his pontificate, Pius XII kept the third secret in a draw in his bedroom. He never opened the envelope. He knew the contents of the third secret from having sent an emissary to Sister Lucy who informed the emissary of the contents. Pius said,
"We believe that the present hour is a dread phase of the events foretold by Christ. It seems that darkness is about to fall on the world. Humanity is in the grip of a supreme crisis."
Skinner wrote that he had been told that the Grand Master of the Italian Grand Orient Order of Freemasons stated that 'Pope' John XXIII had been initiated into the Freemasons when he was Nuncio in Paris in the late forties. If this were true, Angelo Roncalli could not have been validly elected to the Papacy. He would have been intrinsically ineligible by reason of his automatic ipso facto excommunication under Canon Law No. 2335. Not being a Catholic, it was not possible for him to be head of the Catholic Church.
Anne Catherine Emmerich said in one of her ecstasies, "I see many excommunicated ecclesiastics who do not seem to be concerned about it, nor even aware of it. Yet, they are automatically excommunicated whenever they cooperated to [sic] enterprises, enter into associations, and embrace opinions on which an anathema has been cast. It can be seen thereby that God ratifies the decrees, orders, and interdictions issued by the Head of the Church, and that He keeps them in force even though men show no concern for them, reject them, or laugh them to scorn."
Red hat from a Mason
Further evidence, when elevated to the College of Cardinals Roncalli insisted upon receiving the red hat from the notoriously anti-clerical Vincent Auriol, President of the Masonic "Fourth Republic" of France, kneeling before him to have the red hat placed upon his head.
Strange Church, No Angels
Emmerich said "I saw a strange church being built against every rule. . . No angels were supervising the building operations. In that church, nothing came from high above. . . There was only division and chaos. It is probably a church of human creation, following the latest fashion, as well as the new heterodox church of Rome, which seems of the same kind...
The Devil laughing
"I saw all sorts of people, things, doctrines, and opinions. There was something proud, presumptuous, and violent about it, and they seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single Angel nor a single saint helping in the work. But far away in the background, I saw the seat of a cruel people armed with spears, and I saw a laughing figure which said: 'Do build it as solid as you can; we will put it to the ground.'"
The Holy Office had kept a file on Roncalli since 1925, wherein it stated, "suspected of Modernism." In 1925, Roncalli, who was known for his unorthodox teachings, was abruptly removed from his professorship at the Lateran Seminary in mid-semester and shipped off to Bulgaria, thus beginning his diplomatic career. Of particular concern to the Holy Office had been his continuing close association with the defrocked priest, Ernesto Buonaiuti, who was excommunicated for heresy in 1926.
At an exhuming of the body of John XXIII relating to the advancement of his cause for Beatification, the group of witness's present were shocked to find that the body in the coffin was facing downward.
Wolves and The Third Secret
Cap continued to plow ahead in her reading. In August, she wrote.
Dear Skinner,
I just wanted to share with you that I think the Third Secret contains the word "wolves." Here are some notes which I have made recently.
John XXIII and abstruse locutions.
When John XXIII read the Third Secret, there were a couple Portuguese expressions which he did not understand. He called them "abstruse locutions." Socci says that the phrases were not abstruse, but explosive. They warned John XXIII not to take the church in the direction he wished to take it. He did not want to believe that these words had been spoken by the Virgin. So, he buried them. I think one of those abstruse expressions was wolves.
Benedict and Wolves.
At the end of Pope Benedict's installation Mass on April 24, 2005, he said "Pray for me, that I may not flee in fear of the wolves." The use of the word wolves out of the blue by Pope Benedict was unusual. It would seem out of place unless one were to realize that he was speaking in the context of the Third Secret. He is in effect revealing part the Third Secret.
Socci suggests that Pope Benedict is aware that he is in danger. "To which wolves is he referring? ... Considering the solemn drama of a homily at the beginning of the pontificate in which he inserted that prayer. Of what is the Pope thinking and what does he fear? What terrifying threats does he feel hanging over him that he would reveal his fears publicly, in a celebration before the world - he, a man always so measured and reserved? And is it not strange that no one has noticed a phrase so dramatic? The rest of the homily - to reread it attentively - is entirely a meditation on the martyrdom to which the Vicar of Christ is called. No one seems to have noticed that during that solemn Mass of installation, Benedict VXI arrived finally at the point of indication precisely martyrdom as his own "pastoral program."
"And now, in this moment, I the weak servant of God must assume this inconceivable task, that really exceeds all human capacity. How can I do this? How will I be able to do it?"
Socci suggests that Benedict believes that he is on the path of martyrdom. Given that the Vision of the Third Secret describes a Pope who is martyred, Benedict may believe that he may be the Pope who is killed in the Vision.
It needs to be remembered that Lucy and her cousins were seven, eight and ten-year-old shepherds. They were familiar with the connection between sheep and wolves and had a firsthand fear of them.
Padre Pio
Padre Pio used the word "wolves" when he spoke about the Third Secret. He said in effect that the Vatican was wrong to be compromising with the communists; That this was the Chastisement foretold in the Third Secret; And all those who would not listen to the Will of God were rapacious wolves hungry for power.
Sister Aiello also uses the expression rapacious wolves.
It is thought that when the Secret was not made public, as the Madonna intended, that the Madonna turned to others. One of those to whom she turned was Sister Elena Aiello. On Good Friday 1960, the Madonna spoke to Sister Aiello, "In Italy, some leaders like rapacious wolves in sheep's clothing, while calling themselves Christians — open the door to materialism, and, fostering dishonest actions, will bring Italy to ruin; but many of them, too, will fall in confusion."
On the first Good Friday after 1960, the Madonna said to Sister Aiello, "Many iniquitous and wicked leaders of the people, who live and drag along with them their people outside the laws of God, showing themselves in sheep's' clothing, while being rapacious wolves, have ruined society, stirring it up against God and His Church."
That night, Cap dreamt of wolves circling her. They were snarling with their fangs exposed preparing to pounce upon her. Cap was immobilized in her bed. She saw the face of the lead wolf up close and near her face. She felt the heat of his breath. She trembled in fear from his anger. He was preparing to rip into her face and neck. She was terrified. She later awoke with a sympathy for Lucy and understood why Lucy would feel terrified by coming up against evil.
Till we correspond next, may we be safe from wolves.
Pile Up
Skinner returned in time to see some of his students graduate. He met Cap at one of the parties and they arranged to meet the next week. Of course, everyone was preoccupied with the earthquakes. They were beginning to get on everyone's nerves. Skinner told her that he had some things to share with her about the earthquakes.
In the lull between terms, Cap put together her ideas on the rest of the secret. They met again in the sitting room. She liked the place. It was still and quiet. Most of the Jesuits were in their sixties or older. The air hung in place. When the sunlight was right, you could see the smallest particles of dust hanging in the air. like the tiniest of snowflakes suspended in space. The wall hangings belonged to another era. She thought about the exorcism and how the place had probably looked the same back then. The main exorcist had an apartment on Skinner's floor. Skinner said that he had undoubtedly used the same sitting room. From her chair, she could see the church across the street where St Michael had appeared. She could almost see the walls disappear and see him bright and radiant hovering in the Clerestory.
Cap asked, "What is the connection between the earthquakes and Fatima?" Skinner answered that "There is a connection. It looks like we are entering the tribulation. Earthquakes will be more common. I would like you to meet someone." They walked a couple blocks away to the office of a professor of Geology, Vladimir Bukofsky. Skinner introduced Cap and said to Vladimir, "This is the lady I told you about." They sat down in his office and he said "So you want to know about earthquakes. Let me tell you what I think is coming.
"There was a Russian named Immanuel Velikovsky. He wrote a book titled Worlds in Collision. The basic idea was that Jupiter ejected Venus which passed near earth. The proximity produced an electromagnetic effect which changed our orbit and axis, which in turn caused many catastrophes which were mentioned in ancient literature. His science on Venus might have been wrong but he had intuited that the electromagnetic field of the earth might be altered by a close encounter with a comet or some other outside agent.
"The Earth is a giant magnet. It functions like an electric motor. If a passing body had a strong enough electromagnetic field, it could cause the rotation of the earth to change. That would of course break up the crust of the earth.
"Einstein knew Velikovsky. He had read his books and even sent them back with margin notes. Years later he came back to them. Velikovsky's book was open on Einstein's desk when he died. I think that Einstein had found that Velikovsky had stumbled onto something.
"Imagine what happens when a car or bus or subway slams on the breaks. People would go flying forward. This is what would happen in the Velikovsky scenario except that we are moving forward at about 800 miles per hour. You don't see it because everything around you is moving at the same speed. If the core of the earth changed direction, there would be a big pile up.
"Here is what Velikovsky said would happen in a near collision. "That under the impact of a force or the influence of an agent - and the earth does not travel in an empty universe - the axis of the earth shifted or tilted. At that moment an earthquake would make the globe shudder. Air and water would continue to move through inertia; hurricanes would sweep the earth and the seas would rush over continents, carrying gravel and sand and marine animals, and casting them on the land. Heat would be developed, rocks would melt, volcanoes would erupt, and lava would flow from fissures in the ruptured ground and cover vast areas. Mountains would spring up from the plains and would travel and climb on the shoulders of other mountains, causing faults and rifts. Lakes would be tilted and emptied, rivers would change their beds; large land areas with all their inhabitants would slip under the sea. Forests would burn, and the hurricanes and wild seas would wrest them from the ground on which they grew and pile them, branch and root, in huge heaps."
"Water evaporated from the oceans would rise in clouds and fall again in torrential rains and snowfalls. Clouds of dust, ejected by numerous volcanoes and swept by hurricanes from the ground. All this dust would keep the rays of the sun from penetrating to the earth."
Bukofsky continued. "Since then, others have picked up the ball and proposed that stars are powered not by internal nuclear fusion, but by galactic sized electrical discharge currents. It could be that there is something going on out there entirely unknown to us.
"I am respecter of prophecy too. If for no other reason than it is imaginative. It happens that one of the most legitimate of seers in the last couple decades was Maria Esperanza of Venezuela. Scores of visitors saw the Madonna appear to Esperanza.
"Maria said that the current era will undergo a purification during the next twenty years. ‘Men cannot think, cannot imagine for a moment, the great struggle among nations that will take place, brother against brother.'
After the cleansing, will come a new type of healing music. A new technology of illumination, which will tap into the "stellar curvature." She also saw forces of light and music combined together, the "secret forces" hidden in rhythms of nature and what she calls the "sacred canticles." She forecast that we would find a way to make nuclear waste harmless. Esperanza suggested like Velikovsky that there were enormous forces out there which we do not yet know about."
As Cap and Skinner where about to leave, Bukofsky said that "It is interesting that Velikovsky and your Lucy had the same vision of an earth shuddering on its axis.
Back at Skinners sitting room, he handed Cap a sheet he had made up about earthquakes. "Here are some prophecies about earthquakes. Some you know already. There is a fair amount of literature out there to the effect that we are entering an era which will be accented by earthquakes."
Marie Julie Jahenny.
"The hour of the justice of God is close, and will be terrible!" "Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations are struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death."
Floods cover continents
Jahenny also spoke about Earthquakes and floods which would cover over continents. "During this darkness the devils and the wicked will take on the most hideous shapes... red clouds like blood will move across the sky. The crash of the thunder will shake the earth and sinister lightning will streak the heavens out of season. The earth will be shaken to its foundations. The sea will rise, its roaring waves will spread over the continent..."
Three quarters will perish
"Three-quarters of the population of the globe will disappear in the last crisis. Terrible earthquakes, epidemics of unknown diseases whose ravages would be frightful, terrible famines, inclement weather, cyclones, rising seas that would cause terrifying tidal waves.
Yves Dupont in Three Days Darkness.
"Floods and droughts, crop failures, unusual weather, tornadoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, famines, epidemics, unknown diseases (e.g. new strains of viruses)."
The Ecstatic of Tours
"Before the war breaks out again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be little work for the workers, and fathers will hear their children crying for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Toward the end, darkness will cover the earth. When everyone believes that peace is assured, when everyone least expects it, the great happening will begin. Revolution will break out in Italy almost at the same time as in France. For some time, the Church will be without a Pope." Nineteenth Century
Earthquakes and Cataclysms.
Father Luigi Bianchi, author of The Secret of Fatima, asked Sister Lucy if the Third Secret involved earthquakes and cataclysms. She nodded yes. She was under obedience not to speak about certain things but she had not been forbidden to nod.
Here is one you know, from Aiello. "All sea coast cities will be fearful, and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed, and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. For in none of those cities does a person live according to the Laws of God... Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations are struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death."
Cap folded the paper and put it in her bag. The earth shook a little as they said goodbye.
Second Half of the Secret
At their next meeting, Cap told Skinner that she had written most of the rest of what she thought was the second half of the secret. She handed Skinner a copy of her paper and he began reading:
Just about everybody agrees on one line in the third secret. "In Portugal, the Dogmas of the Faith will always be preserved, but elsewhere they will be lost."
The following is drawn from Frere Michel's The Whole Truth about Fatima. "We can do no better than to quote Father Alonso's judicious commentary here: ‘In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved': The phrase most clearly implies a critical state of Faith, which other nations will suffer, that is to say, a crisis of Faith; whereas Portugal will preserve its Faith."
Terrible things.
"In the period preceding the great triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, terrible things are to happen. These form the content of the third part of the Secret. What are they? If ‘in Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved'... it can be clearly deduced from this that in other parts of the Church these dogmas are going to become obscure or even lost altogether. Thus, it is quite possible that, in this intermediate period which is in question (after 1960 and before the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), the text makes concrete references to the crisis of the Faith of the Church and to the negligence of the pastors themselves."
Father Schweigl, professor of the Gregorian, was sent by the future Pius XXII to interview Sister Lucy. Upon return, he told a fellow Jesuit that the Third Secret had two parts. One had to do with the Pope and the other was the logical extension of the phrase "In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved..."
Then Cap read the second line.
If the Holy Father had Consecrated Russia to My Immaculate Heart, the world would have been converted and there would have been peace.
Socci wrote that "The Consecration of Russia should have been - based on what Lucia said - an immense event for the whole Catholic Church, which in every corner of the planet would share in a great rite of expiation and consecration for that unfortunate nation, entrusting itself universally to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." There would have been "an overthrow of the mentality dominating the modern world."
Because He did not, a war will begin in the reign of Peter II.
In the second secret, Our Lady says "But if people do not stop offending God, another war even worse, will begin in the reign of Pius XI." The same kind of expression is used here on the assumption that the secret has a parallel structure. It echoes the "Because he did not" of the first half of the third secret.
Peter II. In St Malachy's the list of Popes, there is just one name left, Peter the Roman. This would be Peter the Second. St Malachy wrote that Peter II will rule during a time of tribulations. The city of seven hills will be destroyed. The dreadful judge will judge the people. As you know, the legend is that Cardinal Siri was elected Pope but was pushed aside by outside influences, Masonic or Russian. Thereby casting a shadow on his successors. Hence, in the legend, the bishop in white is a bishop not the Pope.
When the world is illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the Great Sign that God gives that he is about to punish the world with earthquakes, floods and famine.
In the second secret, it says "When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign that God gives that he is about to punish the world by means of war, hunger, and persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father." The unknown light in this case a foreboding deep red borealis in the night over Europe 1938. Lucy saw the red sky and recognized it to be the Madonna's sign that World War II was about to break out. Interestingly, Hitler saw the same red sky from his forest retreat. He told his guests that it was an omen. Up to that time they had been successful through diplomacy. Now the time had come to shed blood.
My version is almost the same except for one change. It is the world which will be illuminated, not just the night sky of Europe.
Signum Magnum
In Apocalypse, it is written: "A Great Sign will appear in the sky. A Woman clothed with the Sun, with the moon beneath her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head." Malachi Martin read the third secret while he was an assistant of Cardinal Bea in 1960. He said that John Paul II knew that the one world order "would not be built, at least not as men have configured it. He is waiting, rather, for an event that will fission human history, splitting the immediate past from the oncoming future. It will be an event on public view in the skies, in the oceans, and on the continental landmasses of this planet. It will particularly involve our human sun, which every day lights up and shines upon the valleys, the mountains and the plains of this earth for our eyes. But on the day of this event, it will not appear merely as the master star of our so-called solar system. Rather, it will be seen as the circumambient glory of the Woman whom the apostle describes as "clothed with the sun" and giving birth to "a child who will rule the nations with a scepter of iron."
What Martin is saying is that there will be a fission event in the sun, a large flare, which will fill the sky with light. John Paul II knew that there will be a great illumination of our sun because the Third Secret says so. Also, he had studied Sister Lucy's notebooks and they give more information about the event. At one time, Pope John XXIII, the pope of 1960, referred to Sister Lucy as a "graphomaniac". Lucy was writing to him, probably warning him. And he didn't like the message she was sending. John Paul in contrast took her seriously.
There will be Warning
Martin wrote further that John Paul II "has to admit that he, like everybody else, is in the dark as to when it will occur, although he does know some of the horrific details of that worldwide catastrophe. He knows also that it will not come without prior warning, but that only those already renewed in heart - and that would probably be a minority - will recognize it for what it is and make preparations for the tribulations that will follow."
A Crown of Twelve Stars above Her Head
What could it mean, a Crown of Twelve Stars above Her Head. I think the twelve stars means the whole twelve constellations of zodiac. It is a poetic way of saying the whole sky. There is a disk of interplanetary dust called the zodiacal cloud. The faint light within this cloud is called zodiacal light. If the sun jumps in illumination, the whole interplanetary cloud will light up. It will look like a bright band of light which stretches all the way across the major constellations of the night sky.
Why does Apocalypse say that "the moon is visible beneath her feet"? Maybe because the ecliptic, the cloud, stands above the path of the moon. And it may be that in some way, this event will be uniquely associated with the Madonna.
Russia will overrun Europe.
Sister Aiello said that "Russia with her secret armies will battle America. Will overrun Europe". Pope Benedict brought attention to her writings by beatifying Sister Aiello. Because her writings are controversial, it was an unusual move to make. Benedict was a master of Romanita, the art of understatement. Beatifying Sister Aiello was Benedict's way of speaking to each one of us and saying pay attention to what she has to say. My own opinion of Sister Aiello's writings is what could be called the long version of the Third Secret.
Russia is dominant in the Third Secret.
Cardinal Ottaviani said in 1957, "If there was one dominant element to the Third Secret, it is Russia." It seems inescapable that Russia is mentioned by name. One of the lessons of Mary's apparitions at Fatima is that war is a punishment for sin.
Russia will be God's chosen instrument of Chastisement.
In the Fuentes interview of 1957, Sister Lucy said that "Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation."
Disappearance of Nations.
Sister Lucy said "Tell them Father that many times the Most Holy Virgin told my cousins Francisco and Jacinta, as well as myself, that many nations will disappear from the face of the earth. Russia ... to punish the whole world." Who will be punished? The whole world. That these two sentences lie side by side suggests that the chastisement will be two-fold. Natural cataclysms which will inundate large areas and countries. And war in which Russia is the aggressor.
The War to come.
In 1945 Sister Lucy let it be known that Jacinta's vision of a suffering pope, war and hunger belonged to the future. Sister Lucy recalled Jacinta's vision. "Another time, (Lucy writes) we went to the cave called Lapa do Cabeco. As soon as we got there, we prostrated on the ground, saying the prayers the Angel had taught us.
"After some time, Jacinta stood up and called to me: "Can't you see all those highways and roads and fields full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And so many people praying with him?"
"Some days later, she asked me: "Can I say that I saw the Holy Father and all those people?" "No. Don't you see that that's the part of the Secret? If you do, they'll find out right away.: "All right! Then I'll say nothing at all."
Another time, Lucy said that "One day I went to Jacinta's house to stay a little while with her. I found her on the bed, very pensive. "Jacinta, what are you thinking of?" Jacinta replied, "About the war which will come. So many people will die. And almost all of them will go to hell." "We must pray a lot to save souls from Hell. So many go there. So many. ... So many people fall into hell. So many are in Hell."
Socci said that Lucy said that "The Third Secret will be revealed during a great war." There will be a war and during that war, the Secret will be revealed.
I have read the highway line a hundred times without getting its meaning. The vision of the Holy Father praying to the Immaculate Heart suggests a pope who is finally obedient to the requests of the Immaculate Heart, which means that he will have revealed the secret. "Many people praying with him" suggests that he has called upon the whole world to join him Five First Saturdays of Reparation and the Consecration of Russia. It happens at a time in which the highways are filled with people who are crying which suggests war.
Russia will march on Europe
Aiello said that "Russia will march upon all the nations of Europe, particularly Italy, and will raise her flag over the Dome of St Peter's. Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity! The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope must suffer greatly!"
"Russia, spurred on by Satan, will seek to dominate the whole world and, by bloody revolutions, will propagate her false teachings throughout all the nations, especially in Italy. The Church will be persecuted and the Pope and the priests shall suffer much." This is Aiello again. She is a treasure.
A great revolution in Rome
Aiello also said "Oh, what a horrible vision I see! A great revolution is going on in Rome!"
The Holy Father will be killed and the Faithful will be martyred.
This is from the Vision of the Bishop in White which the Vatican has released. It seems reasonable that Mary will explain the central picture which she has shown the children.
Fire will fall from the sky.
This is a quote from Our Lady of Akita. The Madonna used these words with Sister Sasagawa. "As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. "Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful.
Chastisement by fire
Sister Elena Aiello was beautified by Pope Benedict. She was told by the Madonna "Once there was the chastisement by water, but if there is not a returning to God, there will come the chastisement by fire, which will cover the streets of the world with blood."
Russia Submerged in Fire.
To Sister Aiello, Our Lady said "See how Russia will burn!" Before my eyes there extended an immense field covered with flames and smoke, in which souls were submerged as if in a sea of fire!
Fire from the hands of Angels
"All this fire is not that which will fall from the hands of men, but will be hurled directly from the Angels (at the time of the great chastisement or "housecleaning" that will come upon the earth). Therefore, I ask prayers, penance and sacrifice, so I may act as Mediatrix for my Son in order to save souls."
Sea of Fire will descend
Cap continued speaking about Aiello. Skinner was entirely absorbed. Each sentence resonated inside him. He had been waiting for years to hear someone speak the words he was now hearing. "An unforeseen fire will descend over the whole earth, and a great part of humanity will be destroyed. This will be a time of despair for the impious: with shouts and satanic blasphemy, they will beg to be covered by the mountains, and they will try to seek refuge in caverns, but to no avail. Those who remain will find God's mercy in my power and protection, while all who refuse to repent of their sins will perish in a sea of fire!"
Russia completely burned
"Blessed are those who at this time may be called truly devoted to Mary! My name is locked in your heart, my daughter. . . Russia will be almost completely burned."
"Destroyed by fire", said Our Lady of All Nations
Chapter 8 in Apocalypse
Sister Lucy said about the contents of the third secret, "It's in the Gospel and in the Apocalypse, read them." At another time, she referred specifically to Chapters 8 through 13. Chapter 8 is about the Seven Trumpets.
The Golden Censor. An angel who stood before the altar of God with a golden censor "took the censer, and filled it with the fire of the altar, and cast it on the earth, and there were thunders and voices and lightnings, and a great earthquake."
After the angel casts fire on the earth, then comes the angel of the First Trumpet. The First Trumpet is also about fire falling from the sky.
Oceans will flood. From one moment to the next millions of people will perish.
In 1981, while speaking in Fulda, Germany to a group of intellectuals, John Paul II responded to questions about the Third Secret. He said that Lucia's text does speak of chastisements. In response to another question, he stated that "the chastisements cannot be averted, it is too late." He stated that "the die was cast. [The chastisements] can be mitigated by praying the rosary." When asked, "What about the Third Secret of Fatima? Should it not have already been published in 1960?" John Paul's reply was, "Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors... preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the Oceans will flood whole areas of the earth and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired..."
"Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that "to know" implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted.... At this point the Holy Father took hold of his Rosary and said: Here is the remedy against all evil! Pray, pray and ask for nothing else. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God!"
I passed over the "can do nothing" line a hundred times without realizing its implication. John Paul II said "if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted." He is the first world leader to explain why they haven't announced that a comet is comet is coming.
Neues Europa version of the Third Secret.
Neues Europa, a German magazine, published a version of the Third Secret in 1963. Cardinal Ottaviani has indicated that the core of the message "corresponds to the truth." Here is an extract from the Neues Europa version:
"Fire and smoke will fall from the sky,
The waters of the oceans will be turned to steam, hurling their foam towards the sky;
All that is standing will be cast down.
Millions and millions of men will lose their lives from one hour to the next, those who remain living will envy those who are dead." It seems that John Paul II and the Neues Europa agree that the oceans will behave violently and cause the deaths of millions.
The suffering will be worse than the deluge... Such that the survivors will envy the dead.
The Survivors will envy the dead.
From Akita. "The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead."
Nations will be scourged.
In the apparition of July 13, 1917, Our Lady told the children that nations would be annihilated. Our Lady's words to Sister Aiello suggest a worldwide punishment. "If men do not amend their ways, a terrifying scourge of fire will come down from Heaven upon all the nations of the world, and men will be punished according to the debts contracted with Divine justice. There will be frightful moments for all, because Heaven will be joined with the earth, and all the ungodly people will be destroyed. Some nations will be purified, while others will disappear entirely."
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger admitted in an interview with journalist, Vittorio Messori, that the Third Secret did contain "disconcerting" messages.
When all seems lost, I will raise up a Holy Father who is dear to me and the world will be made new. The good news is that there is a happy ending to the Third Secret. After the tears and the sorrows, there will arise a world better than before. God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. There will be a new earth. A place of joy and rejoicing.
"When all seems lost". Our Lady used those words in speaking to St Catherine Laboure. "The moment will come, the danger will be great, it will be thought that all seems lost. Then I will be with you."
I will Pour Out My Spirit on All Flesh Acts 2.17 Joel 2.28 And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord,) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, "and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. "And upon my servants indeed, and upon my handmaids will I pour out in those days of my spirit, and they shall prophesy. "And I will show wonders in the heaven above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood and fire, and vapor of smoke". see also Joel 2.30.
Great and Terrible Day of the Lord
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and manifest day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Joel 2.31
God's ultimate purpose in judging evil is not the destruction of mankind but a new creation:
"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress. No more shall there be in it an infant that lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days. He who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere youth; he who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed. They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they shall be the offspring of the blessed of the LORD, and their children with them. Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, says the LORD." (Isaiah 65:17-25)
Cap leaned back and in an exhale of relief said "There you have it. That is my version of the Third Secret of Fatima.
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Third Secret Reconstructed
At Fatima, Our Lady said "Sacrifice yourself for sinners and say often especially when you make some sacrifice: O, my Jesus, this is for love of You, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for offenses against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
On July 13, 1917, the three children of Fatima met in the field of the apparitions. It was the third of six apparitions. Our Lady appeared to the children at noon.
The apparition lasted about twelve minutes. Our Lady spoke to the children for a few minutes and then showed them a vision of Hell. She spoke a couple more minutes and then showed them a vision of a bishop in white who is killed by soldiers. Then the Our Lady explained the vision for a couple minutes. Then the apparition ended.
The vision of hell and the words before and after were published in the forties. Sister Lucy's commentary on the vision was released by the Vatican in 2000. The words of the Our Lady in explanation of the vision comprise the Third Secret. Lucy wrote the Secret in 1943. It was supposed to be released in 1960 but the Pope chose not to do so. Below is a reconstruction of the Third Secret based on what has been revealed by those who have seen the Third Secret.
"You saw the ruin of the world. To prevent this, God wished to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If the Holy Father had done so, the world has been saved. Because he did not, the beast will infiltrate the Church and mount the throne of St Peter. There will be a Council in which Cardinal will oppose Cardinal. Bishop against Bishop. The priests who revere me will be scorned and opposed.
They will alter the Mass and the teaching of the Church. Altars will be stripped and churches will be sacked. Rapacious wolves will ravage upon the flock. In Portugal, the Dogmas of the Faith will always be preserved, but elsewhere they will be lost.
When the world is illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the Great Sign that God gives you that He is about to punish the world with earthquakes, floods and famine. Fire will fall from the sky. Oceans will flood and turn to steam. Millions will lose their lives from one hour to the next. The suffering will be worse than the deluge. The survivors will envy the dead.
If the Holy Father had Consecrated Russia to My Immaculate Heart, the world would have been converted and there would have been peace. Because He did not, a war will begin in the reign of Peter II. Russia will overrun Europe. When all seems lost, I will raise up a Holy Father who is dear to me and the world will be made new.