The Politics of Papacy, selections from Keys of the Blood by Malachi Martin
Lucia’s single-page written formulation of the “Third Secret” covers three main topics. A physical chastisement of the nations, involving catastrophes, man-made or natural, on land, on water and in the atmosphere of the globe. A spiritual chastisement, far more frightening and distressing - especially for Roman Catholics - than physical hardship, since it would consist of the disappearance of religious belief, a period of widespread unfaith in many countries. A central function of Russia in the two-preceding series of events. In fact, the physical and spiritual chastisements, according to Lucia’s letter, are to be gridded on a fateful timetable in which Russia is the ratchet. p 630
The chastisement was meant to punish the nations for their ungodliness and abandonment of God’s laws. The whole dire process could be averted - need not happen, in fact - if two requests of Mary were granted. One: that whoever would be Pope in 1960 (actually it was Joan XXIII) should publish the text of the “Third Secret” for the whole world to read and know. Two: that then the Pope, with all his bishops acting collegially, should consecrate Russia to Mary. Russia, according to the text of the “Third Secret,” was the regulator of the timetable.
If those two basic requests were satisfied, then the two chastisements - physical and spiritual- would not be inflicted on mankind. Russia would be converted to religious belief, and a period of great peace and prosperity would ensue. If the requests were denied, the chastisements would then follow as surely as night follows day. Russia would spread its errors throughout all nations. Many millions would die. The practice of religion and the profession of true faith would diminish to a shadow of what they were. Widespread corruption would infect the Church’s clergy and laity. The Holy Father would have much to suffer. A little glimmer of hope existed: in the end, after all this dreadful devastation, there would be a restoration of faith and tolerable living conditions.
Unmistakably, the “Third Secret” was formulated as an ultimatum, an “either-or” proposition.
In 1978, shortly after becoming Pope, when John Paul read Lucia’s text of the “Third Secret,” he had drawn the obvious conclusion. The pope of 1960, John XXIII, had not satisfied those two requests of Mary. “these (predictions),” John had noted for his successors, “do not concern our times.” John had refused to publish the text of the “Third Secret.” He had not organized the collegial consecration of Russia to Mary - although he had a mad-to-order opportunity to do so when 2,500 Roman Catholic bishops assembled in the Vatican Council. He did not accept the “either.”
Therefore, the fateful timetable of spiritual and physical chastisements was locked into place and, in that August of 1981, was running full tilt.
Most frighteningly for John Paul, he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishop’s chanceries.
Reform not possible. “John Paul’s answers to the questioners at the 1980 Fulda meeting also threw light on why he has not undertaken any serious, papal-directed and comprehensive effort to reverse the continual and rapid deterioration of his institutional organization. No, he said in response to one question, the Church cannot be reformed at the present moment.
Manifestly, John Paul had accepted the fait accompli that inevitably followed the decision of John XXIII not to follow the dictates of the “Third Secret.” He accepted the fact that the Church was now in the period of the Fatima “or,” since the “either” had been refused by John XXIII.
Explicit Danger.
“His words also point to a mortal danger facing the capitalist nations, about which Lucia is quite explicit in the text of the “Third Secret.” Understood in its depth and extent, John Paul’s reference can be shocking: “so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves.” The Pope and the grizzled men who run the Vatican are not quixotic idealists living in a dream world of superstition and irrational fantasies. In fact, their realism can be numbing. If they or he could come to such a conclusion and make such a statement, it must be accurate and based on objective facts.
West Vulnerable.
“In that “Third Secret,” indeed, Lucia’s words are so explicit and so verifiable- and therefore so authentic- that, were the leaders of the Leninist Party-State to know those words, they would in all probability decide to undertake certain territorial and militaristic moves against which the West could have few if any means of resisting, and the Church would be plunged into further and deeper subjugation to the Party-State. Lucia’s words underline a terrible vulnerability in the capitalist nations. That is the “seriousness” of Lucia’s words. The capitalist West could be entrapped by the USSR. In Vatican parlance, Lucia’s words have a dire geopolitical meaning. They must not be treated as pious and devotional outpourings. Her words from the Fatima happening are primarily related to the fierce politics of nations.
John Paul could not pull all those details into a coherent order without concluding that the geopolitical timetable was much shorter than he and Cardinal Wyszynski had thought.
Circumambient glory. “He knows it will not be built, at least not as men have configured it. He is waiting, rather, for an event that will fission human history, splitting the immediate past from the oncoming future. It will be an event on public view in the skies, in the oceans, and on the continental landmasses of this planet. It will particularly involve our human sun, which every day lights up and shines upon the valleys, the mountains and the plains of this earth for our eyes. But on the day of this event, it will not appear merely as the master star of our so-called solar system. Rather, it will be seen as the circumambient glory of the Woman whom the apostle describes as “clothed with the sun” and giving birth to “a child who will rule the nations with a scepter of iron.”
As Pope, as embodiment of the Holy See, he presided over a steadily declining and decadent Church organization. The organizational institution of his Roman Catholic Church was honeycombed with the usual ecclesiastical defects and human deficiencies: heresy, schism, sexual immorality, greed, pride, wholesale lapse in religious belief and practice breakdown of Catholic family life, corruption in the major religious orders of men and women. The Church has always known these, and has its remedies. But the lethal factor slowly killing off the soul of Catholicism was something other.
The unifying element in that worldwide institutional organization - his own apostolic authority as Holder of the Keys Christ confided only to Simon Peter - that element had been bypassed, diluted, explained away, neglected or denied outright by a solid half to two thirds of the Church’s bishops by the time Karol Wojtyla became Pope in 1978. By that time, the big, dirty secret in the Roman Church was that it now consisted of regional and local communities, all giving more or less guarded lip service to their unity with and under the Pope, but really hard at work creating a series of Catholic churches molded and fashioned on the various cultures and politics of the differing regions. John Paul’s day as Pope was the day of the great illusion. Catholic unity was gone, but the facade of unity was still maintained.
Anti-Church. “Complicating his position as Pope and head of the Holy See was another and more sinister element: the presence of a committed anti-Church faction among his ecclesiastical officials throughout his Church, and its embodiment in his own Vatican household. In a true sense, John Paul is a pope at bay in his own Vatican. The lethal - minded opposition to him as Pope had been likened by one of his immediate predecessors to “the smoke of Satan invading the Sanctuary and the Altar.”
God owns the World. “John Paul’s second reason- the more cogent one for him, personally - is drawn from the Fatima message. That message predicts that a catastrophic change will shortly shatter any plans or designs that men may have established. This is the era of the Fatima “or.” Men have abandoned religion. God does not intend to let human affairs go on for a long time in that fashion, because this is His world - he created it for his glory, he made it possible for all men to attain the Heaven of his glory, by sending his only son, Jesus Christ, to expiate the punishment due men for their sins.
He has to admit that he, like everybody else, is in the dark as to when it will occur, although he does know some of the horrific details of that worldwide catastrophe. He knows also that it will not come without prior warning, but that only those already renewed in heart - and that would probably be a minority - will recognize it for what it is and prepare for the tribulations that will follow.
It will be the death and entombment of Leninist Marxism and the effective liquidation of the long - centuries long - war that forces of this civilized world have waged against the Church Christ founded and the religious belief of that Church. The battle between the Gospel and the anti-Gospel will be over. The other two major contenders in the millennium endgame will be eliminated.
New Mass. “His first version of a new Mass ceremony, those advisers argued, if ever it had been imposed and enforced throughout the Church Universal, would effectively have done away with those elements of the ceremony that were and still today are dogmatically essential to the successful confection of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of his death. At least two cardinals, Ottaviani and Bacci, made it clear privately to Pope Paul VI and publicly to third parties that if he went ahead with his plans for the new Mass ceremony, they would not hesitate to denounce his new Mass ceremony as reeking of heresy. The faithful would thereby have been released from all allegiance and obedience to Pope Paul VI. He would have ceased to be Pope.